大棠有得睇香港本土紅葉, 雖然葉種形態無日韓果種咁Sharp, 數量亦唔算多, 不過都吸引到幾多人係呢幾個星期入去大棠賞紅葉 :)
There are autumn leaves around these weeks at Tai Tong in HK, although they are not as sharp shaped and as many as those can be seen in Japan or Korea, they still attracts many people go there to enjoy the beautiful seasonal scene.
10号晚月全食, 十點幾落樓下試影赤月, 第一次影Shadow moon, 真係幾難影...
Total eclipse happens at 10 Dec, tried to shoot the red moon around 10PM, this is my first try to shoot the shadow moon, its real hard to take a decent shot for it...